Dr. Diana van Duin, member and CEO
- Ph.D. in Chemistry, Dartmouth College
- Specialty: materials – nanotechnology, nanotoxicity, catalysis, force field parameter development
- Post-Ph.D. worked both in academic and industrial environment
Dr. Adri van Duin, member and CTO
- Ph.D in Chemistry, Delft University of Technology
- Inventor and main developer of the ReaxFF method.
- Associate Professor at Penn State, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineer. Research group website: http://www.engr.psu.edu/adri/. A full list of publications on ReaxFF can be found at: https://www.mne.psu.edu/Directory/DirectoryDetail.cfm?psuid=acv13&&page=Publications
- Awards and honors: Royal Society Fellowship, Marie Curie Fellowship, 2012 Outstanding Research Award, Penn State Engineering Alumni Society